How Can A Dentist In Scarborough, ON Help You Undergo A Dental Implant Procedure?

There are numerous incidents that lead to a lost tooth. While we might ignore these incidents as things of little importance, these could have effects that last a lifetime. Some of the reasons that lead to a lost tooth include tooth cavities, decaying of the dental surface and also accidents that could lead to breakage of the tooth. We, generally, ignore these circumstances because they do not seem to affect the daily functioning of our life. But not getting the right treatment for a lost teeth affects our dental health in a lot of ways. 

Every dentist in Scarborough, ON would always suggest that you get treatment for the tooth you have lost. The treatment for a lost tooth involves getting dental implants to replace the lost tooth. The dental implant procedure involves the use of a titanium screw that can be embedded inside the jaw and it is allowed to integrate into the gums through a procedure that is known as Osseo Integration. After having allowed the dental implant to become integrated into the gums, it is then covered with a dental crown that gives it the appearance of a natural tooth. 

While you might think that a dental implant procedure would be painful, it is quite the opposite. The procedure is the least painful as the patient is given local anaesthesia and cannot feel a thing when the procedure is performed. Usually, the time taken for the dental implant procedure varies from dentist to dentist. While the dental implant is inserted inside the jaw on a single day, the patient is asked to come back after a certain number of days for the dental crown to be attached. 

During this time, the patient is asked to maintain a diet including soft food items that would not cause damage to the dental implant. While one does not feel any pain during the procedure, one could experience some ache in the gums after the procedure has been performed. Many doctors prescribe some medication to relieve the patient of the ache in the gums. One is to, strictly, avoid food items that could involve putting too much pressure on the jaw. 

For the best dental implants Scarborough, ON has some experienced dentists who can make sure that the procedure is performed under proper care. You could go for a primary consultation and understand the entire procedure, after which you can make a decision about the type of treatment that you should undertake for the lost tooth. During the consultation, you can ask the doctor any questions that you might have and have them addressed on a priority basis. 


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