Why Is It Crucial That You Visit A Dentist In Scarborough, ON For Dental Implants?

Losing a tooth is something that we do not really care about. For most of us, it is a very common issue and does not seem to bother the everyday functioning of our lives. However, not replacing a lost tooth can have numerous adverse effects on our dental health and can cause us to worry about the same. When adults have a tooth missing, they are prone to weaker tooth and jaws as the structure is affected. One sees a problem in the way that the jaw closes, which is called the bite relationship. Afterwards, due to a missing tooth, the remaining teeth move and shift their position, which could lead to functionality issues for the person. 
As the teeth begins shifting its place, one could see a higher incidence of tooth decay and gum diseases as there are large gaps left in between the teeth and food items can get stuck in the gaps. Therefore, there is a need to replace the missing tooth as soon as you have lost a single tooth. One of the best ways to solve the problem is to go for dental implants that can help to replace the missing tooth with a titanium implant in its place. For all the best dental implants Scarborough, ON has numerous renowned dentists who suggest that one needs to get immediate treatment in case of a lost tooth. 

A dental implant procedure is done in two stages. After an initial consultation with your dentist, you can then go on to insertion of the titanium screw inside the jaw. This procedure needs to be performed with extreme care in order to make sure that the implant screw can get integrated with the jawbone over a period of time. This process is referred to as Osseo Integration. After this stage, the dentist moves on with the attachment of the dental crown on top of the implant screw.  However, before attachment of the crown, the doctors make sure that enough time has been provided for the implant screw to integrate inside the jaw. 

While many people are afraid that the dental implant procedure might take up a lot of their time, it is quite to the contrary. The procedure hardly lasts for a few hours. While you do need to give some time for the implant screw to set inside the jaw, other than that, there is hardly any long waiting time. Since a dentist in Scarborough, ON charges by the number of hours of treatment, you can also be assured that you do not have to shell out a lot of money. For the initial consultation, many dentists don’t charge a fee. So you can consult a doctor and see if you would like to get a treatment under their supervision.


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